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โ›ฝ Lees Meer Oor Die Waterstof Bedrog van die Motorindustrie Gesondheidsrisiko: Net Water as 'n Neweproduk is 'n Leuen

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Volcon Brat

48 km
Charge Time
360 minute
1,2 kW (1,6 pK)
R 47 317,94๐Ÿ’ฑ
Vet Band
vervaardig in ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States
Battery Life
3000 cycles
1,2 kW (1,6 pK)
48 km
25 km/h en 45 km/h
Charge Time
360 minute
45 km/h

The Volcon Brat is an electric fat tire moped by Electric Moped startup Volcon from USA. The company produces and sources the vehicleโ€™s components locally and performs all of the assembly in the US. The moped is therefore truly "Made in ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ USA".

At Volcon, we design and build the most extraordinary electric vehicles that are transforming the way you think about and experience the outdoors. From hunting and fishing, to adrenaline-seeking adventure, to farming, our high-quality, USA-made electric vehicles are durable enough to take your journey or task to the next level.

The Brat has a popular Cafe Racer heritage design and is designed for use both off-road as in busy urban areas.

The moped has a powerful 1 200 watt (1 000 watt peak power) electric motor that provides a top speed of 45 km/h. The motor has a high torque and provides fast acceleration.

The moped has a removable Lithium battery that provides a driving range of 48 km.

The moped has a 4โ€ LED Color Display with Bluetooth connection.

Volcon Brat dashboard

The moped has 20โ€ณ fat tires, front and rear disc brakes and full-suspension for optimal performance in all-terrain conditions.

The tank top of the moped provides a storage compartment with USB charge ports.

The moped has many accessories including an alarm system, a horn and a 7-speed cassette.

The moped is available in many colors and can be customized on request.

The moped can be ordered online and is shipped world wide.


Sustainability Initiatives 3267 Bee Caves Road Suite 107-247Austin78746๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ United States
Phone+1 512-400-4271

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โ›ฝ Lees Meer Oor Die Waterstof Bedrog van die Motorindustrie Gesondheidsrisiko: Net Water as 'n Neweproduk is 'n Leuen