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โ›ฝ Lees Meer Oor Die Waterstof Bedrog van die Motorindustrie Gesondheidsrisiko: Net Water as 'n Neweproduk is 'n Leuen

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Squad Solar - Sonstad Motorkar

Squad Mobility
130 km
Charge Time
120 minute
4 kW (5,4 pK)
R 121 892,92๐Ÿ’ฑ
โ˜€๏ธ Sonkrag aangedrewe
24/7 beskikbaarheid
Ingeslote/gedekte voertuig
vervaardig in ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Netherlands
Squad Mobility
Squad Solar
Battery Life
2000 cycles
4 kW (5,4 pK)
130 km
25 km/h en 45 km/h
Charge Time
120 minute
70 km/h

The Squad Solar - Sonstad Motorkar is an innovative solar powered electric quadricycle from electric vehicle startup Squad Mobility from the Netherlands. The name Squad is derived from s(olar)quad(ricycle).

The Squad is equipped with the latest solar panels that provide the vehicle with a driving range of 130 km (cloudy) to 30km (sunny) per day. The category of the vehicle is light four-wheeled EV (L6e).

The Squad has two powerful 4 000 watt electric motors (4,000 watt total) in the rear wheels that provide a top speed of 70 km/h. On request, the vehicle can be equipped with more powerful motors for a top speed of 90 km/h.

The vehicle has four swappable lithium batteries that provide a driving range of 20 km. By using multiple batteries, or by charging each battery independently, the vehicle can operate continuously. The solar panels on the roof provide an additional driving range of up to 30 km per day. The solar panels work in any light, also in the shade.

Squad Solar City Car DashboardThe vehicle provides comfortable seating space for two passengers.

The vehicle has a strong roll cage construction, seat belts and 4 disc brakes for safety.

The vehicle has a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) or regenerative braking in which energy from braking is returned to the battery.

The vehicle can be equipped with air conditioning.

The vehicle is available with half or full doors and the doors can easily be removed for an open air driving experience.

The rear of the vehicle provides 68 liter storage space. The vehicle is available with a cargo box that provides a total storage space of 243 liter.

Squad Charging Station

Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

The Squad is designed for car sharing platforms with focus on connectivity and efficiency and can be provided with a fleet management solution.

The vehicle is equipped with connectivity, cameras, sensoring, remote diagnostics, state of operation and maintenance, SOTA and FOTA. The cars can be equipped with remote control of the vehicles by a sharing operator. A next version of the car will provide autonomous driving for use in cities.

The vehicle is available in any color and with a custom business print.

The vehicle can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.

active matrix light


Squad Mobility B.V. Riethil 12Breda4825 AP๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Netherlands

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โ›ฝ Lees Meer Oor Die Waterstof Bedrog van die Motorindustrie Gesondheidsrisiko: Net Water as 'n Neweproduk is 'n Leuen