Mohenic Motors uit Suid-Korea lanseer 'n elektriese bromfiets en 'n vragbromfiets
๐ฐ๐ท 20 Februarie 2024 deur Motorfiets-joernalisEV manufacturer Mohenic Motors from South Korea launched a state of the art electric cargo scooter with a modular center storage capacity and an electric moped for urban mobility.
The vehicles are manufactured in Korea using domestic technologies and are truly Made in ๐ฐ๐ท Korea
Mohenic Motors Packman
The Packman is a cargo truck on two wheels that provides a modular cargo capacity in the center of the scooter that can be equipped with a wide range of modules, including a refrigerator module.
The scooter design is inspired by the Kubo scooter from US brand Lit Motors, a brand that became famous for its self balancing scooter-car C1.
- 10 000 watt electric motor for a top speed of 120 km/h.
- 0 tot 50 km/h in 3 sekondes acceleration.
- On-board charger with an integrated cooler and heater.
- Modular design and fully customizable by the factory.
More info and ๐ผ๏ธ pictures
Mohenic Motors UB46E M
- 8 000 watt electric motor for a top speed of 100 km/h.
- On-board charger that supports fast charging in 30 minute and slow charging using a car plug.
- Many accessories for styling and personalization.