Govecs Flex Cargo (business)
The Govecs Flex Cargo (business) is an Electric Cargo Scooter from electric scooter manufacturer Govecs from Germany. Govecs is the leading electric scooter manufacturer in ๐ช๐บ Europe. In 2020, the company was the fastest growing company in the whole automotive industry of Europe. The company was founded in Munich in 2009.
The scooter has a powerful 2 000 watt electric motor by Bosch.
The scooter is available with two swappable Lithium battery options:
- "easy swap": 40 Ah - 45 km driving range
- "fat boy": 40 Ah - 75 km driving range
Die battery word deur Bosch vervaardig. Deur veelvuldige batterye te gebruik, kan die skooter 24/7 bedryf word.
Die skooter het 'n modulรชre ontwerp en kan aangepas word om aan verskeie besigheidsvereistes te voldoen soos vragvervoer, EHBO/ambulans, sekuriteit en aflewering.
74 kg vrag
Die skooter is buitengewoon sterk en kan 74 kg vrag dra (bo en behalwe een bestuurder).
The scooter has big 16-inch tubeless tires that improve driving stability and safety.
The scooter has front and rear disc brakes.
Smart Scooter
The scooter is a true smart scooter and connects to a smart phone app for access to innovative features and fleet management software.
The scooter can be ordered in any color and with a custom business print.
The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.
2025 Govecs Models
Old Models
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