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โ›ฝ Lees Meer Oor Die Waterstof Bedrog van die Motorindustrie Gesondheidsrisiko: Net Water as 'n Neweproduk is 'n Leuen

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Carver S+ Motorfiets-klas

100 km
Charge Time
180 minute
7 kW (9,4 pK)
R 287 082,20๐Ÿ’ฑ
Ingeslote/gedekte voertuig
vervaardig in ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Netherlands
Carver S+
Battery Life
4000 cycles
7 kW (9,4 pK)
100 km
Charge Time
180 minute
80 km/h
330 kg

The Carver S+ is an innovative electric scooter-car cross over from an electric scooter manufacturer from The Netherlands. The scooter category is described as Enclosed Narrow Vehicle or ENV which enables the driver to have the benefits of a scooter (no driving license, no helmet, free parking) combined with the benefits of a car (water proof, extra safe, room for baggage).

The S+ is an enhanced version of the popular Carver model with a newer, faster charging and more powerful battery for an improved driving range and a more powerful motor for a higher top speed. The S+ model also has other improvements such as dynamic driving modes and sliding windows.

The Carver S+ has a powerful 3 500 watt electric motor in each wheel (7 000 watt total) for a top speed of 80 km/h.

The scooter has a 7,1 kWh NMC lithium battery for an effective driving range of 100 km. The battery can be charged in 180 minute with a regular power socket.

The Carver provides a 75 liter baggage compartment which is about half as small as the baggage compartment in a small car.

The Carver provides a spacious seat for a rear passenger. It fits a business man holding a coffee and it could be used to safely transport children.

The Carver is a true smart scooter and connects to a smart phone for access to scooter apps, navigation and a music play list. The Carver provides a high end music system with built-in speakers and an optimized solution for hands-free calling.

The scooter has a innovative tilt-system that enables the scooter to make steep turns, safely. It is named Dynamic Vehicle Control (DVCโ„ข) or controlled balance system. The system makes it extra easy to drive the scooter.

The DVC is reliable, predictable and extremely responsive. It secures your stability at all times and generates an amazing driving sensation.

Water proof

The scooter is completely water proof and protects the driver from rain and wind. The Carver has an electric window wiper.

The scooter is just 98 cm wide which is comparable with a motorcycle and that makes it easy to park the scooter.

The scooter is available in many colors and offers many options for customization. The scooter is manufactured in The Netherlands and the engineers are able to handle special requests, for example for modification for business/cargo usage, for promotional usage or for other special demands.

The scooter is provided with 2 years warranty.

The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped world wide.


Carver Europe B.V. Celsiusweg 26 Leeuwarden8912 AN๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Netherlands
Phone+31 85 130 2484

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โ›ฝ Lees Meer Oor Die Waterstof Bedrog van die Motorindustrie Gesondheidsrisiko: Net Water as 'n Neweproduk is 'n Leuen